What Choices Do The Power Transformers Manufacturers Offer To Their Buyers?

Power transformers perform step up and step down of the electrical supply voltage. These devices have been contributing a lot in thoroughly shaping the electricity supply sphere.

power transformers manufacturers

Power transformers manufacturers in India are great at making products of eminent quality and they are also good at offering client-centric services.
Manufacturers of industrial power transformers make these devices with various options so as to increase their utility to the maximum and also to enhance their application facet.

Power transformers manufacturers offer different client-centric choices to customers facilitating easy installation and operation of the device.

Choice of installation site

Power transformers are good to go for indoor as well as outdoor installations. As power transformers manufacturers, they offer the choice of installation site which can be chosen by the user. If a user prefers outdoor transformer, then a weather-compatible device is installed.

Choice of Installation Environment

Buyers of power transformers are given a choice of picking a particular environment. In earthquake prone areas or the like, transformers with earth-quake resistance can be picked by buyers and the manufacturers will install the same. Also, according to the environmental conditions, manufacturers offer power transformers that are resistant to

  • Dust
  • Shock
  • Fire
  • Fouling
  • Water

Choice of specifications

Manufacturers enable buyers to choose the specifications like

  • Variation in input voltage from few volts to kilovolts as per user utility
  • Variation in input frequency usually measured in hertz
  • Power capacity, which depends on the application type
  • Winding turns ratio. Buyers can choose like step-up or step-down or variable or multiple winding device
  • Maximum relative humidity
  • Operating and storage temperatures so as to ensure operation of the transformer in the perfect temperature

Choice of coolant

Since power transformers deal with electricity which is one way heat, there are coolants installed within the devices so as to keep them cool and steady.  Manufacturers offer various types of coolants. While air-cooled transformers are the most commonly used ones, water –cooled also have good amount of votes from users. Some customers prefer oil-cooled or fan-cooled transformers based on their unique application requisites.

Choices of Application

Some power transformers manufacturers offer choices of applications. While power transfer and distribution is one of the applications, impedance matching is the other. Manufacturers offer services in application as well.

Power transformers manufacturers offer a range of post-procurement services that are really useful for buyers, since certain maintenance services are exclusive and important as well.

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