Aluminium Casting India

Different Methods in Aluminium Casting

Aluminium is one of the most widely used metals around us. From kitchenware to components in machines — aluminium finds many applications because of its many unique properties. One of them is ductility. Simply put, aluminium is so widely used because it is one of the easiest metals to cast. You can find aluminium casting India in different methodologies.

There are many ways by which we can cast aluminium. Some of these are:

Die casting

This is perhaps the most preferred method of casting aluminium. In fact, the total amount of aluminium casted through die casting will perhaps be more than all other metals combined. One of the reasons for this is because of this method’s suitability when it comes to large production value for small items. Die casting is an economical process when we are dealing with large quantities of small parts. In die casting we use a permanent mould. Made of iron or steel, the     mould or die is used to give the metal its shape.

The advantages of die casting are that it allows for close tolerance with a superior surface finish. The method is preferred when we are working with a uniform wall thickness.In this method the casting is made by injecting the molten metal into the moulds under high pressure. It depends on the rapid injection and solidification under pressure. What we get is a fine-grained but dense structure. There is some risk of shrinkage and air entrapment. Die cast metals are able to withstand wear and tear.

Permanent mould casting

This method for aluminium casting India is also preferred for high volume production. This method is more suited to larger components. The rate of pouring the molten metal is slow, but the solidification is fast. The result of casting depends on the alloy used, but permanent casting is one of the best ways to preserve mechanical properties of the metal.

The result is usually strong product. Unlike die casting, permanent casting is more amenable to heat treatment. Heat treatment also allows us to improve the product. We can add solutions to improve the final product. It adds to its functionality. However, the application of heat and further processing depends on the size and requirement. The method can be quite expensive and hence the volume must justify the cost of tooling.

Sand casting

This may not be as popular as die casting, but it is the most versatile way of casting the metal. The method gets its name from the mould medium which is sand. The mould is an exact replica of the finished product. The mould making here is comparatively easy because we can reproduce almost any design by pressing it on fine sand. The mould is slightly larger than the product to allow for the shrinkage during solidification.

This method includes both conventional and evaporative pattern casting. The choice of foundry is critical here because this requires an amount of skill. Although sand casting takes more time than die casting or permanent casting, it is preferred because of lower costs. This is a more economical option when dealing with small quantities.

Investment casting

This is a specialised method in aluminium casting India, preferable in certain applications. In this method we use plaster moulds and fusible material like wax. This is a very specialised method which is most applicable in precision manufacturing. However, even without machining, investment casting gives us very finely detailed products. This method is commonly used in the precision parts industry and the jewellery sector. The cost can be high because this method demands a tight control in the manufacturing process. However, the demand for precision can outweigh cost factors.

Choosing the right method

These are the common methods of aluminium casting. Part form this we also have lost-foam pattern casting, shell mould casting, plaster casting, centrifugal casting, continuous casting, hot isostatic pressing, and composite-mould casting. So, how do you determine the right method?

This depends on a number of other factors like budget and volume. These two are often related. High budget methods are preferred in high volume productions for economy. Quality is also an important factor since since some methods can be used to refine the product. Other methods like investment casting are preferred when we want precision parts.


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